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About Smart Cerebrum
SCPL is one of the best institutions in Bangalore for training teachers and students.
If you are looking to set up a unique Math lab in your school, Smart Math Lab is the only answer.
Smart math lab has more than 65 Math models and 70+ manipulatives. These models cover many concepts of Mathematics from Grade 1 to 10. They are in sync with CBSE guidelines for Mathlab activities.
We humbly stand as one of the best educational consultants in the country and strongly believe that a passionate team as ours having associated with top training institutes in India, can truly bring in exponential change in the field of education.
We specialize in conducting training for teachers on National Education Policy (NEP-2020).
We provide teachers with training certificates on their participation in our training programs.
We work together with schools in NEP implementation and meeting the needs for teacher jobs in Bangalore. Apart from our unique Smart Math Lab and other services, trainings in designing MCQs (case based, sequencing, direct questions and HOTS), classroom management, art integrated lesson plan and many more such training programs keep teachers updated from time to time.
We have conducted trainings to enhance the quality of teaching in Govt schools and private schools alike.
We train teachers in all upcoming modules like reforms in Assessment on an ongoing basis every year, as per latest norms and guidelines.

Our Vision
“To help the institutions flourish and reach the pinnacle of success, Treading on the path that suits their ethos and goals in progress.”
Our Mission
SMART CEREBRUM strives to empower the managements to develop holistic and trendsetter schools by addressing and strengthening all stakeholders of schools: Principals, teachers, students, and parents. We work in tandem with the institutions to make them resourceful, ethically sound, academically strong, and resilient to adapt to the frequent changes in the education sector.